
alternative spelling “Zelpha”.
meaning “droping” or “drooping”, a trickling down, (a distillation from the mouth)
The Syrian maid of Leah (given to her by Laban Gen 29:24) to serve her as her attendant, who became the secondary wife of Jacob, and the mother of Gad and Asher, Gen 29:24; 30:9-13; 35:26; 37:2; 46:18.


Blast certainly, designates, Deut. 28:42, a voracious insect; the Hebrew çelãçál, “chirping”, suggests that the cricket was possibly meant and might be substituted for blast. In Ps. 127:46 (Hebr., Psa 128:46), blast stands for hãsîl, “the destroyer”, perhaps the locust in its caterpillar state, in which it is most destructive.

Source: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_animals_in_the_Bible]
