
Asp (see Snake).

Bible occurrence: (Hebrew pethen) Deu 32:33; Job 20:14, 16; Isa 11:8; Rom 3:13.

This was probably the very deadly Egyptian cobra (Naja haje) which the Egyptians worshipped as uraeus. It is small serpent that gives a very poisonous bite which gives a quick death, as if in sleep.

There are three kinds of asps, the Chersea, Chelidonia, and the Ptyas, of which the last is most deadly [Brown]. The venom of an asp kills by causing sleep, thirst, or loss of blood. Immediately after the bite the person loses his sight, the part bitten swells, and a moderate pain is felt in the stomach. It is said that there is no cure except by cutting off the bitten limb immediately.

The peace and security of the Messiah’s kingdom is seen in a child playing on the opening hole to the asp’s home (security in the presence of great danger which has been controlled).

Wicked men are compared to asps because of their subtlety and carnality (lying in the filth of the earth), and because of their gradual murdering of themselves and others with a cruel venom, bitter gall, and the destructive poison of sin. Asps are mute, hearing no sound, and these wicked men like asps, hear not our Saviour.

Source: [DCox]

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Snake. A snake is the Bible’s first– and final– animal villain (Genesis 3; Rev. 20:2). Throughout the Old and New Testaments, several different words for snake or serpent appear some 20 times. Scholars can only make educated guesses as to which of Palestine’s many species of snakes are meant in most verses.
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