
David Cox Overview

Backbiting is a moral sin, character trait. It is attacking verbally some other person.

b, haters of God Rom 1:30
b tongue an angry Prov 25:23

ISBE Dictionary

bak’-bit ; : To slander the absent, like a dog biting behind the back, where one cannot see; to go about as a talebearer. “He that [Revised Version, slandereth] not with his tongue” (Ps 15:3).

Backbiters bak’-bit-~rz (Greek katalaloi: Men who speak against. Vulgate, “detractors” (Ro 1:30)).

Backbiting bak’-bit-ing: cether: Adj. “a backbiting tongue”; literally, “a tongue of secrecy” (Pr 25:23). katalalia: substantive “a speaking against” (2Co 12:20; Wisdom 1:11); “evil speaking” (1Pe 2:1). glossa trite: “a backbiting tongue” (the King James Version of Ecclesiasticus 28:14,15); more literally translated in the Revised Version (British and American) “a third person’s tongue.”

T. Rees

KJV Dictionary

To slander; to falsely accuse.

A Psalm of David. LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart. He that BACKBITETH not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour. (Psalm 15:1-3)

Easton Dictionary

Backbite In Ps. 15:3, the rendering of a word which means to run about tattling, calumniating; in Prov. 25:23, secret talebearing or slandering; in Rom. 1:30 and 2 Cor. 12:20, evil-speaking, maliciously defaming the absent.