Cox Bible Dictionary
- A (letter of Alphabet)
- aalar
- Aarat
- Aaron +
- Aaron’s Rod
- Aaronites
- Ab (combining name)
- Ab (month of year)
- Abaddon
- Abaddon, or Apollyon
- Abagtha
- Abana
- Abarim
- Abba
- Abba
- Abbe
- Abbe
- Abbess
- Abbess, Abbot
- Abbey
- Abdon
- Abel
- Abel-Shittim
- Abel, the Great Stone of
- Abelians, Abelites, Abelonians
- abesta
- abetters
- Abib (month)
- Ability definition
- ablution
- abomination
- abomination of desolation
- Abomination of Desolation
- Abortion (T)
- Abraham’s Bosom
- abrasax
- Absence
- absolution
- abstemii
- abstinence
- Abstinents
- Abultion
- Abyss
- Access to God (T)
- accursed
- Aceldama
- Adam 2 (Jowett – Scriptural Characters)
- Adam 4
- Adam Part 3 (Greek-Hebrew definitions)
- Adam Parte 1
- addax
- adder
- Addex
- Adoption
- Adultery (+)
- Affections
- Afflicted Saints, God’s
- Agrippa I
- Agrippa II
- Aleph, Alpha
- Allar
- Allegory
- Almond tree
- Almug tree
- Altar
- Ambition
- anathema
- Ancient of Days
- Andronicus
- angel
- Angel of the Lord
- Anger
- Anger of God
- Anointing
- Anointing of the Holy Spirit (T)
- Anointing, Sacred
- ant
- Ant
- antelope
- ape
- Apharsathchites, Apharsites, Apharsacites
- Aphek, Aphik
- Aphiah
- Apollyon
- Apostates
- Apostle
- Archangel
- Ark of the Covenant
- Arts of the… (Employments)
- Ascension of Christ
- Asp
- ass
- Assurance
- Atonement
- Atonement, Day of
- baboon
- backbiting
- Backsliding
- badger, dugong
- Baptism
- Baptism with the Holy Spirit
- basilsk
- bat
- Bat
- bear
- bee
- beetle
- Beetle
- Bird
- Birds
- Bison
- bittern
- Black Vulture
- Black Vulture
- blast
- Blast
- Blast
- Boar
- Buck
- Buffalo
- Bustard
- Buzzard
- Calf
- Camel
- Cankerworm
- Carpocrates
- Cat
- Caterpillar
- Cattle
- Chameleon
- Chamois
- Chicken
- Cho, David Yonggi
- Church Growth via Cell Groups
- Cobra
- Cock
- Cockatrice
- Colt
- Coney
- cormorant
- Cow
- Crane
- Cricket
- Cricket
- Crocodile
- Crow
- Cuchow
- Cuckoo
- Deceiver of the World
- Deer
- Definition of the Antichrist
- Devil
- Dog
- donkey
- Dove
- Dragon
- Dromedary
- Dugong
- Eagle
- Eagle Owl
- Ebionites
- Elephant
- Encratites
- Eternal Life
- Ewe
- Falcon
- Fallow Deer
- False Accusation
- Father
- Fawn
- Ferret
- Fish
- Fisher Owl
- Flea
- Flea
- Fly
- Fly
- Fornication (+)
- Fowl
- Fox
- Frog
- Gabriel
- Gazelle
- Gecko
- Gier Eagle
- Glede
- Gnat
- Gnat
- Goat
- God
- godly
- Goose
- Grasshopper
- Grasshopper
- Great Lizard
- Great Owl
- Greyhound
- Griffon
- Grub
- Grub
- Hare
- Hart and Hind
- Hawk
- Heaven
- Hedgehog
- Heifer
- Hell
- Hen
- Heron
- Hippopotamus
- Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost
- Holy Spirit, Names of
- Holy, Holiness
- Hoopoe
- Horned Owl
- Hornet
- Horse
- Horseleach
- Horseleach
- Hound
- Hyena
- hypocrite
- Ibex
- Jackal
- Jackdaw
- Jerboa
- Jesus Christ
- Katydid
- Katydid
- Kid
- Kine
- Kite
- Lamb
- Lapwing
- Lasciviousness (+)
- Leech
- Leopard
- Leviathan
- Lice
- Little Owl
- Lizard
- Locust
- Locust
- Maggot
- Manicheans – Mani
- Marcion
- Mare
- minister
- Mole
- Mole Rat
- Monitor Lizard
- Monkey
- Moses Part 1
- Moses Part 2
- Moth
- Mountain Sheep
- Mouse
- Mule
- Nicolaitans
- Night Creature
- Nighthawk
- Onager
- Oryx
- osprey
- Ossifrage
- Ossifrage
- Ostrich
- Owl
- Ox, Oxen (+)
- Palmerworm
- Palmerworn
- Panther
- Partridge
- Peacock
- Pelican
- Pharpar
- Pig
- Pigeon
- Plain, Level Flat
- Pleasure
- Porcupine
- Porpoise
- Potter’s Wheel
- Pygarg
- Quail
- Rabbit
- Ram
- Rape (+)
- Rat
- Raven
- Rock Badger
- Rock Goat
- Rock Hyrax
- Roe Buck
- Sand Fly
- Sand Fly
- Sand Partridge
- Sand Partridge
- Sand Viper
- Satan
- Scorpion
- Scorpion
- Screech Owl
- Screech Owl
- Sea Cow
- Sea Gull
- Sea Mew
- Sea Monster
- Serpent
- Sheep
- Skink
- Skink
- Snail
- Snail
- snake
- Snake
- Sow
- Sparrow
- Spider
- Spider
- Sponge
- Stag
- Stork
- Swallow
- Swan
- Swift
- Swine
- Symbols, the Holy Spirit
- Tawny Owl
- The Twelve Apostles
- Thrush
- Tortoise
- Turtle
- Turtledove
- Unicorn
- Vane Vanity
- Viper
- Vulture
- Wasp
- Wasp
- Weasel
- Welcome to my Bible Dictionary site!
- Whale
- Who were the Wise men?
- Why did God send the plagues to Egypt?
- Wild Beast
- Wild Boar
- Wild Donkey
- Wild Goat
- Wild Ox
- Wolf
- Worm
- Wrath of God
- Wryneck
- Zilpah
- Zimri